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Module API

Metro is designed to allow code written for Node (or for bundlers targeting the Web) to run mostly unmodified. The main APIs available to application code are listed below.


Similar to Node's require() function. require() takes a module name (or path) and returns the result of evaluating that module's code. Modules referenced by require() will be added to the bundle.

const localModule = require('./path/module');
const asset = require('./path/asset.png');
const jsonData = require('./path/data.json');
const {View} = require('react-native');

The argument to require() must be a compile-time constant. The dynamicDepsInPackages config option controls whether calling require() with a non-constant argument will fail at build time or at runtime.

Advanced usage: require at runtime​

At build time, Metro resolves module names to absolute paths and assigns an opaque module ID to each one.

At runtime, require refers to a function that takes an opaque module ID (not a name or path) and returns a module. This can be useful if you already have a module ID returned by another module API, such as require.resolveWeak.

const localModule = require('./path/module');
const id = require.resolveWeak('./path/module');
// Bypass the restriction on non-constant require() arguments
const dynamicRequire = require;
dynamicRequire(id) === localModule; // true


Similar to module.exports in Node. The module.exports property holds the value require() will return for the current module after it finishes evaluating.

ES Modules syntax (import and export)​

We currently recommend the use of @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs in Metro projects to support import and export.


In React Native projects that use @react-native/babel-preset, import and export are supported out of the box.

import() (dynamic import)​

import() calls are supported out of the box. In React Native, using import() automatically splits your application code so that it loads faster during development, without affecting release builds.


For framework implementers:

  1. Enable lazy bundling by adding &lazy=true to the initial HTTP bundle URL your framework requests from Metro.
  2. At runtime, import() calls a framework-defined function to fetch and evaluate the split bundle. Your framework must implement this function if it uses the lazy=true parameter, or runtime errors will occur.


Takes a module name (or path) and returns that module's opaque ID, without including it in the bundle. This is a specialised API intended to be used by frameworks; application code will rarely need to use it directly. See the section about using require at runtime.